Chapter 9

Ongoing Training and Helping Your Salespeople Grow

In This Chapter

arrow Understanding the need for continued training

arrow Looking at ways to provide development and training

arrow Organizing annual training and development events

arrow Availing external training opportunities and speakers

arrow Knowing when enough is enough: avoiding burnout

Nobody, no matter how good he is, is as good as he can be. There’s always room for improvement for everyone. The most successful people in any field are constantly studying and growing, improving their skills or learning new ones.

One of the challenges sales mangers face is keeping that fire burning in their sales team. They can only listen to you so many times before it starts to go in one ear and out the other. By changing your message, you can keep their attention a bit longer, but perhaps the best way to keep your sales team engaged is to change the messenger — to bring in outside voices.

In this chapter I show you how to navigate the challenges of a sales ...

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