Moving data between threads

We saw with the Send and Sync traits that the first one allows for a variable to be sent between threads, but how does that work? Can we just use a variable created in the main thread inside our secondary thread? Let's try it:

use std::thread;fn main() {    let my_vec = vec![10, 33, 54];    let handle = thread::Builder::new()        .name("my thread".to_owned())        .spawn(|| {            println!("This is my vector: {:?}", my_vec);        })        .expect("could not create the thread");    if handle.join().is_err() {        println!("Something bad happened :(");    }}

What we did was create a vector outside the thread and then use it from inside. But it seems it does not work. Let's see what the compiler tells us:

That's interesting. The compiler noticed that the ...

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