The move keyword

Nevertheless, it gives a great explanation of something we can do. We have two options: share the binding between the threads or send it to the second one. Since we won't use it in the main thread, we can add the move keyword before the closure and send the vector to the new thread, since it's Send. Let's see how we can make it work:

use std::thread;fn main() {    let my_vec = vec![10, 33, 54];    let handle = thread::Builder::new()        .name("my thread".to_owned())        .spawn(move || {            println!("This is my vector: {:?}", my_vec);        })        .expect("could not create the thread");    if handle.join().is_err() {        println!("Something bad happened :(");    }}

This now compiles and shows the list of numbers in the console, perfect! But, what if we want to ...

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