GNOME as a Development Platform

While GNOME can certainly make Unix-based operating systems more palatable to ordinary users, the GNOME team devotes a lot of energy to making GNOME fun to hack on, too.

From the developer’s perspective, GNOME is made up of a set of core libraries, an infrastructure for component programming, and a set of reusable language-neutral components.

The GNOME Foundation Libraries

Many powerful features work across all GNOME applications in a standardized way, thanks to these libraries.

GTK+ (GIMP toolkit)

GTK+ is GNOME’s object oriented graphics toolkit. It was originally designed by the GIMP programmers to simplify their work in building the GIMP. GTK+ was chosen for GNOME primarily because it implemented an object system rich in functionality and it already had interface bindings for a wide range of programming languages. This meant that GTK+ already went a long way towards achieving GNOME’s goal of programming language neutrality. For more information, see

Guidelines have been developed that specify the method for adding new language bindings (wrappers) for the GTK+/GNOME libraries. Developers following these guidelines have contributed support for a number of languages, including C++, Objective-C, TOM, PERL, Python, GUILE, ADA, and others. Other bindings are in various stages of development, which is understandable, considering the large number of libraries that make up GNOME.

GTK+’s object system is very elegant in its design and allows ...

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