Compiling and Installing

If your distribution does not come with ProFTPD, you can either compile and install it from the source tarball or use a package appropriate for your distribution. RPM-based distributions can install the RPM from Debian users can enter apt-get install proftpd.

RPM Install

Unless there is a specific binary RPM for your distribution, download the source RPM and build it: rpmbuild --rebuild proftpd-1.2.10-1.src.rpm. This will produce two installable RPMs: proftpd-1.2.10-1.i586.rpm, which contains the actual software, and proftpd-inetd-1.2.10-1.i586.rpm, which contains the support files for running ProFTPD from xinetd. The proftpd-inetd RPM is optional, and we will not cover it in this book. Install the main RPM after the build completes:

# rpm -ivh /usr/src/packages/RPMS/i586/proftpd-1.2.10-1.i586.rpm

The RPMs seem to be tailored for Red Hat, so if you use SUSE, you need to do a few adjustments. The rc script installs to /etc/rc.d/init.d/proftpd, which isn't the right location on SUSE; also, the script itself will not work. Instead, use the following replacement script and copy it to /etc/rc.d/proftpd:

#!/bin/sh # # Startup script for ProFTPD # # chkconfig: 345 85 15 # description: ProFTPD is an enhanced FTP server with \ # a focus toward simplicity, security, and ease of configuration. \ # It features a very Apache-like configuration syntax, \ # and a highly customizable server infrastructure, \ # including support for multiple 'virtual' FTP ...

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