Be up around people you love

Your job from now on, as a Rules Player, is to be up around people you love. No more moaning. No more complaining. No more grumbling. These things will no more issue from your lips. You are, from now on, the positive one, the perpetually cheerful, ‘always up’ one, around whom good things revolve and happen.

When asked how are you, instead of saying, ‘Can’t complain, mustn’t grumble’, in future you will say, ‘Fine, good, marvellous’. No matter how crummy you feel, no matter what sort of a day you’ve had, no matter how low, down or fed up you are. And do you know, the interesting thing is that when you do say ‘Marvellous’, even if you don’t feel it, you’ll find something positive to say to follow it up with. ...

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