
A variable is an identifier that is assigned to an object, and that object may hold a value. The type of the value is assigned at runtime. Ruby variables are not declared nor statically typed. Ruby uses duck typing, a kind of dynamic typing. If a value behaves or acts like a certain type, such as an integer, Ruby gives it a context, and it is treated in that context. Duck typing comes from the concept that if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, flies like a duck, and swims like a duck (or integer or float, etc.), then it is probably a duck. If a variable is able to act like an integer, for example, then it is legal to use it in that context.

Local Variables

A local variable has a local scope or context. For example, if a variable is defined inside of a method or a loop, its scope is within the method or loop where it was defined. Local variable names must start with a lowercase letter or with an underscore character (_), such as alpha or _beta, and cannot be prefixed with a special character (as in @, @@, or $).

Instance Variables

An instance variable belongs to a particular instance of a class (hence the name) and can only be accessed from outside that instance via an accessor (or helper) method. Instance variables are always prefixed with a single at sign (@), as in @hello. See the upcoming section "Classes.”

Class Variables

A class variable is shared among all instances of a class. Only one copy of a class variable exists for a given class. In Ruby, it is prefixed by ...

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