7.2. ActiveRecord Outside of Rails

Much like ADO.NET, ActiveRecord doesn't have to be used only in Web applications. You can load it in any program or script you are writing. Listing 7-1 shows an example of a small script that employs ActiveRecord.

Example 7.1. A Sample Script That Uses ActiveRecord
require 'rubygems'
require 'active_record'

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:adapter => "sqlite3",
                                        :database => "blog/db/development.sqlite3",
                                        :timeout => 5000)

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base

p Article.find(:all)

When you save this file as listing0701.rb in C:\projects and run it, the array of existing articles in the articles table within the C:\project\blog\db\development.sqlite3 database is printed in the output as follows:

[#<Article id: 1, title: "Hello, Rails!", body: "Hi from the body of an article. :)", published: false, published_at: "2008-07-11 09:24:00", created_at: "2008-07-11 09:32:41", updated_at: "2008-07-17 03:18:28">, #<Article id: 2, title: "Lorem Ipsum", body: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing...", published: true, published_at: "2008-07-17 06:36:00", created_at: "2008-07-16 14:31:33", updated_at: "2008-07-20 20:20:30">, #<Article id: 3, title: "More Lorem Ipsum", body: "Etiam justo justo, ultricies sed, semper ac, hendre...", published: true, published_at: "2008-07-17 01:50:00", created_at: "2008-07-16 14:35:18", updated_at: "2008-07-17 01:53:05">, #<Article id: 4, title: "Oh hi!", body: "Hi there!\r\n\r\nIf you don't know what ...

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