
It is impossible to write a book of this size without a great deal of help from those around me and some that I've never even met face-to-face. First I'd like to thank Wiley for giving me the opportunity to write this book. Writing a Rails book was something that I had wanted to do as Rails has become a passion of mine the past few years. Specifically, I'd like to thank the people at Wiley whom identified me as a candidate to write this book, and those that made the process smooth and successful. Stephanie McComb is the acquisitions editor that gave me the opportunity to be the author of this book. For that I am thankful. Chris Wolfgang served as my editor for this book. Without her, I am quite certain the content you are about to read would not have been nearly as clear and as readable as I hope it has become.

Ruby on Rails is a large framework that has been the subject of many books, many web sites, and hundreds if not thousands of articles. There has been a great deal of knowledge and expertise baked into the Rails framework. It would be impossible for a single person to write a comprehensive Rails book without assistance others who review and provide feedback of the content. I'd like to acknowledge the contributions of Scott Deming for his work as the Technical Editor of this book. The job of a Technical Editor is at times more difficult than that of the author. It is the technical editor's job to review everything I have written and correct the mistakes and faulty ...

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