
Note: Page numbers in italics indicate figures, those with t indicate tables, and those with n indicate footnotes.


/ (slash)

root URL, 58

Unix directory separator, 7

( ) (parentheses)

in statement syntax, 383n

and the ternary operator, 395

! (exclamation point)

bang methods, 154

not operator, 148

? (question mark)

boolean indicator, 147

in query parameters, 483

" " (double quotes)

mixing with single quotes, 128

in string literals, 144

{ } (curly braces)

block indicator, 156

hash indicator, 158, 163

\ (backslash)

as escape character, 146

as literal character, 146

# (hash symbol)

comment indicator, 18, 143

styling CSS IDs (Listing 5.7), 193194, 657

URL stub, 184

|| (vertical bars)

block variable indicator, 156

or operator, 148

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