
Net::HTTP — HTTP connection class


Net::HTTP is a class for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client-side connection.

Required Library

require ‘net/http’


require 'net/http'

h = Net::HTTP::new("")
resp, data = h.get("/en/index.html")
print data

Class Methods

Net::HTTP::new([host="localhost"[,port=80[,proxy[, proxy_port]]]])
Net::HTTP::start([host="localhost"[,port=80[,proxy[, proxy_port]]]])
Net::HTTP::start([host="localhost"[,port=80[,proxy[, proxy_port]]]]) {|http|...}

Creates a Net::HTTP connection object. If a block is specified, the block is executed with the Net::HTTP object passed as an parameter. The connection is closed automatically when the block exits.

Instance Methods


Closes the HTTP session.

h.get(path[, header[, dest]])
h.get(path[, header]) {|str|...}

Retrieves data from path using a GET request, and returns an array containing an HTTPResponse object and the data. header may be a hash indicating header names and values. dest may be a string to which the data is appended. If a block is specified, the retrieved data is passed to it.

h.head(path[, header])

Sends a HEAD request for path, and returns the response., data[, header[, dest]]), data[, header]) {|str|...}

Sends data to path using a POST request, and returns an array containing an HTTPResponse object and the reply body. Although the post method’s HTTP request type is different, the block and arguments, such as header and dest, are handled in the same way ...

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