
UDPSocket — UDP socket class


UDPSocket is a class for User Datagram Protocol (UDP), which is a connectionless, unreliable protocol.

Required Library

require ’socket’

Inherited Class


Class Methods


Creates a UDP datagram socket

Instance Methods

s.bind(host, port)

Binds the socket to port on host. host may be an empty string (“”) for INADDR_ANY or <broadcast> for INADDR_BROADCAST.

s.connect(host, port)

Connects the socket to port on host. host may be an empty string (“”) for INADDR_ANY or <broadcast> for INADDR_BROADCAST.

s.send(mesg, flags[, to])
s.send(mesg, flags[, host, port])

Sends data on a socket s, returning the length of the data sent. If only two arguments are specified, the destination is assumed to be the port of the existing connection. Otherwise, it may be specified using a struct sockaddr when calling the method with three arguments or by indicating host and port when specifying four arguments.

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