Chapter 9. Objects and Classes

Ruby is an object-oriented programming language; this chapter will show you what that really means. Like all modern languages, Ruby supports object-oriented notions like classes, inheiritance, and polymorphism. But Ruby goes further than other languages you may have used. Some languages are strict and some are permissive; Ruby is one of the most permissive languages around.

Strict languages enforce strong typing, usually at compile time: a variable defined as an array can’t be used as another data type. If a method takes an array as an argument, you can’t pass in an array-like object unless that object happens to be a subclass of the array class or can be converted into an array.

Ruby enforces dynamic typing, or duck typing (“if it quacks like a duck, it is a duck”). A strongly typed language enforces its typing everywhere, even when it’s not needed. Ruby enforces its duck typing relative to a particular task. If a variable quacks like a duck, it is one—assuming you wanted to hear it quack. When you want “swims like a duck” instead, duck typing will enforce the swimming, and not the quacking.

Here’s an example. Consider the following three classes, Duck, Goose, and DuckRecording:

class Duck
  def quack

  def swim
    'Paddle paddle paddle…'

class Goose
  def honk
  def swim
    'Splash splash splash…'

class DuckRecording
  def quack

  def play

If Ruby were a strongly typed language, a method that told ...

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