

2D sound, playing, 186-189

AddCost function, 83-84

AddSpell function, 126-127

adventure type, 25-26

Agility stat, 35-36

Akalabeth: World of Doom, 3-4

alignment of entity, specifying, 60-61, 113, 140

AlignmentBitwise enum, 140

AlignmentFlags enum, 113

ambient lighting, 30

Arena, 9

armor, specifying location of, 146-147

Armor class, 145-147

Armor skill, 90

ArmorArea enum, 146-147

AssignedQuest class, 241

AssignQuest function, 257


selecting, 163-165

types of, 161-162

AttackTypes enum, 161

audio, see sound

AudioEngine object, 181

Autoduel, 4-5


Baldur’s Gate, 13-14

BaseItem class, 134-135

BaseTrapDamage enum, 197

Betrayal at Krondor, 8

BioShock, 19

Body Development skill, 91

Bonus structure, 42

bonuses, 82

for stats, 95-96


CalledShot attack type, 161-162

camera, ...

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