Yankee bid (D0)

see sealed bid auction

Yankee bond (G1)

A bond issued in the US securities market by a non-US concern.

yearling (G1)

A UK local government stock maturing in a year.

See also: government bond

yellow dog contract (J5)

An individual employment contract whereby a worker promises not to join a TRADE (LABOR) UNION. This standard practice of many US firms in the 1920s was used to impede the growth of union membership. It was outlawed by the NORRIS–LA GUARDIA ACT.

yellow strip price (G1)

A stock market price shown on a screen of the STOCK EXCHANGE AUTOMATED QUOTATION SYSTEM which refers to the best bid and offer prices of a market-maker.

yield (D2, G0)

  1. Return to an investment measured by dividend or interest receivable divided ...

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