
  1. AIR, Average Individual Risk
  2. ALARP
  3. background knowledge
  4. backward approach
  5. barrier block diagram
  6. barriers
  7. Bayes' formula
  8. Bayesian approach
  9. Bayesian networks
  10. benefit analysis
  11. Binomial distribution
  12. bow-tie
  13. cash flow
  14. causal chain approach
  15. cause analysis
  16. cause and effect analysis
  17. cautionary principle
  18. classical approach to risk
  19. coarse risk analysis
  20. common-cause
  21. conditional probability
  22. confidence interval
  23. consequence analysis
  24. consequences
  25. correlation coefficient
  26. cost-benefit analysis
  27. cost-benefit analysis (cost-effectiveness analysis)
  28. cost-effectiveness analysis
  29. criticality
  30. decision-making
  31. discount rate
  32. dose–response
  33. epistemic uncertainty
  34. event tree analyses
  35. event
  36. event tree analysis
  37. expected disutility
  38. expected net present value
  39. expected values
  40. FAR, Fatal Accident Rate
  41. fault tree analysis
  42. FAR
  43. flow network
  44. FMEA
  45. F–N curve
  46. frequency
  47. frequentist probability
  48. gross disproportion
  49. hazard
  50. HAZOP
  51. HES, Health, Environment and Safety
  52. ICAF
  53. importance analysis
  54. improvement potential
  55. independence
  56. individual risk
  57. infrastructure
  58. initiating events
  59. insurance
  60. interested party
  61. job safety analysis
  62. knowledge
  63. Law of large numbers
  64. manageability
  65. management review and judgement
  66. minimal cut sets
  67. model
  68. model-based risk analysis
  69. Monte Carlo simulation
  70. net present value
  71. Normal distribution
  72. objectives
  73. observable quantity
  74. odds
  75. operational risk
  76. opportunity
  77. outcomes
  78. PLL, Potential Loss of Life
  79. Poisson distribution
  80. posterior probability distribution
  81. precautionary principle
  82. prediction interval
  83. prior probability ...

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