Chapter 10. With a Little Help From My Friends

With a Little Help From My Friends

Here you'll find great tips and images from some of my best friends in the digital photography community. Check out their work on their Web sites. Great people, great images and great info.

With a Little Help From My Friends

Parts Can Create a New Whole

Take your time to savor taking the initial photographs. These images were captured while exploring a eucalyptus forest, alpine moorland and dense fern groves in Mt. Field National Park in Tasmania.

Using a macro lens and an extension tube (which allows you to get extremely close to a subject), I concentrated on capturing the shape, texture and structure of the beautiful ferns.

After downloading the image to my computer, I used Adobe Lightroom 2.0 to process my RAW files. I then used Lightroom's selective adjustments to dodge the highlights and darken the shadows, which added shape and depth to the leaves. To enhance the moistness in the images, I "painted" sharpening over the highlights, which added sparkle and liveliness to my images.

When you are working on your images, explore contrast and juxtaposition by combining images together in Photoshop. You'll see that parts will create a new whole.

Katrin Eismann
Artist, teacher, author and co-founder and chair of the Masters of Professional Studies in Digital Photography ...

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