Appendix M. Answers to "Test Your Understanding" Questions

  1. Rexx is a higher-level language in that each line of code accomplishes more than does code written in traditional languages like C++, COBOL, or Pascal. Rexx derives its power from the fact it is a glue language—a language that ties together existing components such as other programs, routines, filters, objects, and the like. The industry-wide trend towards scripting languages is based on the higher productivity these languages yield.

  2. Rexx is a free-format language. There are no requirements to code in particular columns or lines or in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case.

  3. Expert programmers sometimes mistakenly think that they don't need an easy-to-use language. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Expert programmers become wildly productive with easy-to-use languages. Their code lasts longer as well, because less skilled individuals can easily enhance and maintain it.

  4. The two free object-oriented Rexx interpreters are roo! from Kilowatt Software and Open Object Rexx from the Rexx Language Association (formerly known as IBM's Object REXX). Both run standard or classic Rexx scripts without any alterations.

  5. One outstanding feature of Rexx is that it runs on all sizes of computer, from handhelds to personal computers to midrange machines to mainframes. Rexx runs on cell or mobile phones, Palm Pilots, and mainframes.

  6. One of the two current Rexx standards was established by the book The Rexx Language, second edition, by ...

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