

401(k) plans, 4

diversification, 61-62

investing in your own company, 207-209

9/11 Compensation Fund, 47-48


Abaimova, Anna, 125

adverse selection, 44, 179

age, risk, 79-81

ALDA (Advanced Life Delayed Annuity), 181, 191

annuities, 165-172, 178

credit risk, 180

inflation, 180

protecting financial capital, 216

VA (variable annuities), 180-181

fees, 182-184

annuitization, 172-173

benefits of, 173-176

cons of, 179-180

annuity riders, 181

annuity yields, 175-176

asset allocation, diversification, 67-75

assets, financial listing of assets, 17-18


Becker, Professor Gary, 29

behavioral finance, 207

Benartzi, Shlomo, 207

borrowing, 101

bucket approach to retirement income, 128

counter example, 128-135


capital market cost of GMDB (guaranteed ...

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