Further Reading

Do you want to read more about early scientists and technology, or find more do-it-yourself (DIY) projects that are based on ancient to medieval history? These books are excellent places to start:

The Ancient Engineers, by L. Sprague de Camp (Doubleday, 1963)

Although his name might not be so well known now, L. Sprague de Camp was one of the best-known science fiction writers of the 1930s and 1940s. But it’s this 1963 work of science fact that I highly recommend. As Isaac Asimov said of it, “it’s the history (of science) as it should be told.”

A Splintered History of Wood, by Spike Carlsen (Harper, 2008)

So, so many DIY projects use wood as the primary building material. There are a lot of books out there about how to cut ...

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