
Serge Abiteboul, Richard Hull, and Victor Vianu. Foundations of Databases. Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA, 1994.
Carliss Y. Baldwin and Kim B. Clark. Design Rules. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2000.
James R. Chiles. Inviting Disaster: Lessons From the Edge of Technology. Harper Business, New York, NY, 2001.
Martin Fowler. Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. Addison-Wesley Longman, Boston, MA, 2003.
Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons, and Pat Kua. Building Evolutionary Architectures. O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., Sebastopol, CA, 2017.
Brian Goetz. Java Concurrency in Practice. Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA, 2006.
Eliyahu Goldratt. The Goal. North River Press, Great Barrington, MA, Third edition, ...

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