Regular Expression Operators

Perl provides the built-in regular expression operators qr//, m//, and s///, as well as the split function. Each operator accepts a regular expression pattern string that is run through string and variable interpolation, and then compiled.

Regular expressions are often delimited with the forward slash, but you can pick any nonalphanumeric, nonwhitespace character. Here are some examples:

qr#...#       m!...!        m{...}
s|...|...|    s[...][...]   s<...>/.../

A match delimited by slashes (/.../) doesn’t require a leading m:

/.../      #same as m/.../

Using the single quote as a delimiter suppresses interpolation of variables and the constructs \N{name}, \u, \l, \U, \L, \Q, and \E. Normally, these are interpolated before being passed to the regular expression engine.

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