
Jeffrey E. F. Friedl’s Mastering Regular Expressions (O’Reilly) is the definitive work on regular expressions. While writing, I relied heavily on his book and his advice. As a convenience, this book provides page references to Mastering Regular Expressions, Third Edition (MRE) for expanded discussion of regular expression syntax and concepts.

Nat Torkington and Linda Mui were excellent editors who guided me through what turned out to be a tricky first edition. This edition was aided by the excellent editorial skills of Andy Oram. Sarah Burcham deserves special thanks for giving me the opportunity to write this book, and for her contributions to the "Shell Tools" section. More thanks for the input and technical reviews from Jeffrey Friedl, Philip Hazel, Steve Friedl, Ola Bini, Ian Darwin, Zak Greant, Ron Hitchens, A.M. Kuchling, Tim Allwine, Schuyler Erle, David Lents, Rabble, Rich Bowan, Eric Eisenhart, and Brad Merrill.

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