
Some of the items in this index refer to subject matter, and not to the precise wording, in order to help to guide readers to other relevant pages.


Absorbent screens behind consoles, 495, 578

Absorbers, 131

active, 410

effect of angle of incidence, 166

fibrous, 110, 115

in floor, 367

Helmholtz, 118–19, 122–3, 663

membrane, 116, 119, 142, 666

panel, 118–20, 142

porous, 110, 117

quarter wavelength, 18, 755

rear wall, 666–8, 747, 750–5

resonant, 118–20

Absorption, 110, 131

coefficients, 123, 315–6, 336, 360

effects of thickness and density, 111

frequency dependence, 87

interrelation with reflexion and transmission, 56

loss in dry air, 110

low-to-mid frequency, 459

wavelength dependence, 36, 116–18

AC mains (electrical) supplies, see also ...

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