Chapter 30

Understanding the Regulation Impact

US Funds of Hedge Funds After the Crisis

David Edmund Allen, Akhmad Kramadibrata, Robert John Powell and Abhay Kumar Singh, School of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Western Australia, Australia

Chapter Outline

30.1 Introduction

30.2 The Regulatory and Intervention Debate: Looking to the Economists

30.3 Lessons From Other Industries

30.4 The Road to Dodd–Frank

30.5 Dodd–Frank

30.6 US Funds and the AIFM Directive

30.7 FoHFs Trends During and After the GFC




30.1 Introduction

One of the age-old great debates among economists, regulators, and industry participants is the extent to which regulation and government intervention in ...

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