Appendix D

Relevant RETD Studies

IEA-RETD (2006), Renewable Energy for Dummies— Why you Don’t Use Renewable Energy and Why you Should!

IEA-RETD (2008), Innovative Electricity Markets to Incorporate Variable Production

IEA-RETD (2008), RE-EDUCATION A Scoping Study into Renewables and Education

IEA-RETD (2008), Renewable Energy Costs and Benefits for Society (RECABS)

IEA-RETD (2008), The True Costs and Benefits of Renewable Energy— Make Optimal Investment Decisions Based on Better Knowledge About the Long Term Benefits of Renewables

IEA-RETD (2009), Better Use of Biomass for Energy

IEA-RETD (2010), Renewables in Transport (RETRANS)

IEA-RETD (2010), RETRANS—Opportunities for the Use of Renewable Energy in Road Transport

IEA-RETD (2011), Achieving ...

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