Model updates

"So Shawn, instead of using the Backbone collection in an isolated fashion, let's move it to a class to manage adding of new cats randomly and provide it with some other utilities, as follows:"

const PictureModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
  defaults: {
    src: '',
    name: 'Pusheen',
    details: 'Pusheen is a Cat',
    faved: false

"Our PictureModel stays the same. We are adding a new faved attribute here to maintain state about whether the cat was faved by the user or not.

"We will call this new class of ours CatGenerator, which will provide the component that we use to display the cats, with the data to display, fetch, and add new cats."

"Got it. Want me to give it a try?"


import Backbone from 'backbone'; ...

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