Operator onBackpressureDrop()

Like onBackpressureBuffer matches with BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER, onBackpressureDrop matches with BackpressureStrategy.DROP in terms of backpressure strategy, with some configuration options.

So, let's now try this:

    fun main(args: Array<String>) { 
      val source = Observable.range(1, 1000) 
        .onBackpressureDrop{ print("Dropped $it;\t") }//(2) 
        .map { MyItem12(it) } 
           print("Rec. $it;\t") 
           runBlocking { delay(1000) } 
        runBlocking { delay(600000) } 
    data class MyItem12 (val id:Int) { 
    init { 
        print("MyItem init $id;\t") 

As shown in the previous program, we used BackpressureStrategy.MISSING on comment (1). On comment (2)

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