The ReactiveCalculator class with coroutines

So far, in the ReactiveCalculator program, we were performing everything on the same thread; don't you think we should rather do the things asynchronously? So, let's do it:

    class ReactiveCalculator(a:Int, b:Int) { 
      val subjectCalc:      io.reactivex.subjects.Subject<ReactiveCalculator> = io.reactivex.subjects.PublishSubject.create() var nums:Pair<Int,Int> = Pair(0,0) init{ nums = Pair(a,b) subjectCalc.subscribe({ with(it) { calculateAddition() calculateSubstraction() calculateMultiplication() calculateDivision() } }) subjectCalc.onNext(this) } inline fun calculateAddition():Int { val result = nums.first + nums.second println("Add = $result") return result } inline fun calculateSubstraction():Int { val ...

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