Creating Flowable from Observable

The Observable.toFlowable() operator provides you with another way to implement BackpressureStrategy into non-backpressured source. This operator turns any Observable into a Flowable, so let's get our hands dirty, and, first, let's try converting an Observable into Flowable with the buffering strategy, then we will try out a few other strategies in the same example to understand it better. Please refer to the following code:

 fun main(args: Array<String>) { val source = Observable.range(1, 1000)//(1) source.toFlowable(BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER)//(2) .map { MyItem7(it) } .observeOn( .subscribe{//(3) print("Rec. $it;\t") runBlocking { delay(1000) } } runBlocking { delay(100000) } } data class ...

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