Retrying on error

The retry operator is another error handling operator that enables you to retry/re-subscribe to the same producer when an error occurs. You just need to provide a predicate or retry-limit when it should stop retrying. So, let's look at an example:

    fun main(args: Array<String>) { 
        .map { it/(3-it) } 
        .subscribeBy ( 
            onNext  = {println("Received $it")}, 
            onError = {println("Error")} 
         println("\n With Predicate \n") 
        var retryCount = 0 
        .map { it/(3-it) } 
        .retry {//(2) 
           _, _-> 
        .subscribeBy ( 
           onNext  = {println("Received $it")}, 
           onError = {println("Error")} 

On comment (1), we used the retry operator with a retry limit, and on comment (2), we ...

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