Creating our GraphQL backend server

Let's get started with the backend server:

  1. First, inside the apollo project (the one we created with create-react-app), we need to create a new directory called backend, initialize a package.json file, and create inside the src folder:
      cd apollo      mkdir backend      cd backend      npm init -y      mkdir src
  1. Now we need to install these dependencies:
      npm install cors express express-graphql graphql graphql-tools       mongoose nodemon babel-preset-es2015      npm install -g babel-cli
  1. In our package.json file, we need to modify our start script to use nodemon:
      "scripts": {        "start": "nodemon src/app.js --watch src --exec babel-node         --presets es2015"      }
File: package.json
  1. Then we need to create our app.js file, in which ...

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