How to do it...

Let's add a source map to our Webpack:

  1. Create the webpack/configuration/devtool.js file:
  const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';  export default !isProduction ? 'cheap-module-source-map' : 'eval';
File: webpack/configuration/devtool.js
  1. Split the bundles (using the new "optimization" Webpack node): one for our /node_modules/ which will be the biggest one, and one for our React Application. You need to create the optimization.js file and add this code:
  export default {    splitChunks: {      cacheGroups: {        default: false,        commons: {          test: /node_modules/,          name: 'vendor',          chunks: 'all'        }      }    }  }
File: webpack/configuration/optimization.js
  1. Remember that you need to add those new files into index.js:
 // Configuration ...

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