How to do it...

Let's get started with the implementation:

  1. Include the react-hot-loader plugin in our .babelrc file just for the development environment:
  {    "presets": ["env", "react"],    "env": {      "development": {        "plugins": [          "react-hot-loader/babel"        ]      }    }  }
File: .babelrc
  1. Create an Express Server; you need to create a file at src/server/index.js:
  // Dependencies  import express from 'express';  import path from 'path';  import webpackDevMiddleware from 'webpack-dev-middleware';  import webpackHotMiddleware from 'webpack-hot-middleware';  import webpack from 'webpack';  // Webpack Configuration  import webpackConfig from '../../webpack.config.babel';  // Client Render  import clientRender from './render/clientRender';  // Utils  import { isMobile ...

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