
Lighting is very important in a 3D world; it could range from simple general lighting (as used in our example) to multiple lights angled from different directions providing different strengths and colors. How lights interact with objects and the effects they produce will be determined by the textures and shaders used to render them.

Lights are defined by their direction, their color and brightness, and also by an ambient light to define the background (non-directional) light. The Light class is defined as follows:

class pi3d.Light (lightpos=(10, -10, 20), 
                       lightcol=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 
                       lightamb=(0.1, 0.1, 0.2)) 
By default, the display will define a light that has the following properties:
  • lightpos=(10, -10, 20)This is a light that shines ...

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