Chapter 23

Anomaly Detection

Markus Goldstein

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Kaiserslautern, Germany


AD -Anomaly Detection

CBLOF -Cluster-based Local Outlier Factor

COF -Connectivity-based Outlier Factor

CSV -Comma-Separated Values

DLP -Data Leakage Prevention

IDS -Intrusion Detection System

INFLO -Influenced Outlierness

LDCOF -Local Density Cluster-based Outlier Factor

LOCI -Local Correlation Integral

LOF -Local Outlier Factor

LoOP -Local Outlier Probability

LRD -Local Reachability Density

NASA -National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NBA -National Basketball Association

NN -Nearest-Neighbor

SVM -Support Vector Machine

23.1 Introduction

Anomaly detection is the process of finding patterns in a given dataset ...

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