Every processing element shall contain a set of registers that allows an external processing element to determine its capabilities through maintenance read operations. All registers are 32 bits wide and are organized and accessed in 32-bit (4-byte) quantities, although some processing elements may optionally allow larger accesses. CARs are read-only. CARs are big-endian with bit 0 and word 0 respectively the most significant bit and word.

A.2.1. Device Identity CAR (Offset 0×0 Word 0)

The DeviceVendorIdentity field identifies the vendor that manufactured the device containing the processing element; see Table A.3. A value for the DeviceVendorIdentity field is uniquely assigned to a device vendor by the registration authority of the RapidIO Trade Association.

The DeviceIdentity field is intended to uniquely identify the type of device from the vendor specified by the DeviceVendorIdentity field. The values for the DeviceIdentity field are assigned and managed by the respective vendor.

Table A.3. Bit settings for device identity CAR
BitField nameDescription
0–15DeviceIdentityDevice identifier
16–31DeviceVendorIdentityDevice vendor identifier

A.2.2. Device Information CAR (Offset 0×0 Word 1)

The DeviceRev field is intended to identify the revision level of the device; see Table A.4. The value for the DeviceRev field is assigned and managed by the vendor specified by the DeviceVendorIdentity field.

Table A.4. Bit settings for device information CAR

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