Chapter 18.3.2. Configuring Apache/CherryPy for mod_python

The recommended way to run CherryPy with mod_python is to use the mpcp module available from The following configuration example applies to Apache 2.0, mod_python 3, Python 2.4, and CherryPy 2.2. Here is how you configure Apache:

ServerName ''
PythonPath "['/path/to/project-root'] + sys.path'
<Location "/">
       SetHandler mod_python
       PythonHandler mpcp
       PythonOption cherrysetup control.main.root::mp_setup

And here is sample code showing how to set up CherryPy for mod_python:

import cherrypy class CherryApp: @cherrypy.expose def index(self, **kwargs): return 'Hello, World!' cherrypy.root = CherryApp() if __name__ == '__main__': # CP server ...

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