Suggested Readings

Instructional Design

Basics of instructional design. Info-Line, 803. Alexandria, VA: ASTD.

Building for adult learning. Cincinnati, OH: LDA Publishing. J. Leed. (1987).

Easy-to-use instructional systems design methodology. Performance & Instruction, pp. 10–16. K. Overfield. (1996, April).

How does instructional systems design differ from traditional instruction? Educational Technology, pp. 9–14. W. Hannum. (1982, January).

Mastering the instructional design process: A systematic approach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. W. J. Rothwell & H. C. Kazanas. (1992).

Producing workshops, seminars, and short courses. New York: Follett. J. Loughary. (1979).

SMEs from the ground up. Alexandria, VA: ASTD. Chuck Hodell. (2013)

Survey of instructional development models. Syracuse, NY: Information Resources Publications. K. Gustafson. (1993).

The ASTD handbook of training design and delivery. New York: McGraw-Hill. G. M. Piskurich (Ed.). (1999).

The ASTD training and development handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill. R. Craig, (Ed.). (1996).

The systematic design of instruction (3rd ed.). New York: HarperCollins. W. Dick & L. Carey. (1990).

Trainer basics. Alexandria, VA: ASTD. George M. Piskurich. (2003).


An analysis of front-end analysis. J. Harless, in The Best of Performance & Instruction, 26(2), 7–9. (1987).

Be a better needs analyst. Info-Line, 8502. Alexandria, VA: ASTD.

Benefit-cost analysis for program evaluation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. M. Thompson. (1980).

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