7.1. XUL and HTML Forms Compared

HTML/XHTML has a <FORM> tag. This tag collects <BUTTON>, <SELECT>, <INPUT>, and <TEXTAREA> tags into a group. The <FORM> tag's DOM object has methods that combine the values of the form members together into an HTTP GET or POST request. This automates the process of permanently capturing form data by sending it to some Web server. As a result, Web-based HTML-based applications are now common.

XUL has no equivalent to the <FORM> tag. XUL form control equivalents are not bound into groups (except via <radiogroup>). There is no equivalent to <INPUT TYPE="reset"> or <INPUT TYPE="submit"> in XUL, and XUL has no semiautomatic form submission process. If a plain XUL document is presented to the user, then nothing happens ...

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