The Service Integration Test

You’ll use the Twitter gem to interface with Twitter.[65] You’re also going to need the VCR and Webmock gems in the test environment.[66] [67] Add them to the Gemfile:

 gem ​'twitter'
 gem ​'vcr'​, ​group: :test
 gem ​'webmock'​, ​group: :test

You’ll also have to reinstall the bundle with bundle install.

You need a Twitter API key and a secret key, which you can get from the Twitter Application Management page.[68] In Rails 5, those get placed in the secrets.yml file, which typically is not stored in your code repository, though I’ve put it in the sample code for ease of setup:

  api_key: ​123
  secret_key_base: ​1fe3edb870eff077105cff3ed19f0bdf15a5f999ef09ba1043a4916 ...

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