Minitest and Routing

The primary method that Rails/Minitest uses for route testing is assert_routing. Here are the Minitest versions of the same standard routes:

test ​"routing"​ ​do​
assert_routing ​"/projects"​, controller: ​"projects"​, action: ​"index"​
assert_routing({path: ​"/projects"​, method: ​"post"​},
controller: ​"projects"​, action: ​"create"​)
assert_routing ​"/projects/new"​, controller: ​"projects"​, action: ​"new"​
assert_routing ​"/projects/1"​, controller: ​"projects"​,
action: ​"show"​, id: ​"1"​
assert_routing ​"/projects/1/edit"​, controller: ​"projects" ...

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