Studying a case of linear regression on SLID data

To summarize the contents of the previous section, we explore more complex data with linear regression. In this recipe, we demonstrate how to apply linear regression to analyze the Survey of Labor and Income Dynamics (SLID) dataset.

Getting ready

Check whether the car library is installed and loaded, as it is required to access thedataset SLID.

How to do it...

Follow these steps to perform linear regression on SLID data:

  1. You can use the str function to get an overview of the data:
    > str(SLID)
    'data.frame':  7425 obs. of  5 variables:
     $ wages    : num  10.6 11 NA 17.8 NA ...
     $ education: num  15 13.2 16 14 8 16 12 14.5 15 10 ...
     $ age      : int  40 19 49 46 71 50 70 42 31 56 ...
     $ sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "Female","Male": ...

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