Working with univariate descriptive statistics in R

Univariate descriptive statistics describes a single variable for unit analysis, which is also the simplest form of quantitative analysis. In this recipe, we introduce some basic functions used to describe a single variable.

Getting ready

We need to apply descriptive statistics to a sample data. Here, we use the built-in mtcars data as our example.

How to do it...

Perform the following steps:

  1. First, load the mtcars data into a data frame with a variable named mtcars:
    > data(mtcars)
  2. To obtain the vector range, the range function will return the lower and upper bound of the vector:
    > range(mtcars$mpg)
    [1] 10.4 33.9
  3. Compute the length of the variable:
    > length(mtcars$mpg)
    [1] 32
  4. Obtain the mean of mpg: ...

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