Performing preliminary analyses on time series data

Before creating proper time series objects, we may want to do some preliminary analyses. This recipe shows you how.

Getting ready

The base R package provides all the necessary functionality. If you have not already downloaded the data files for this chapter, please do it now and ensure that they are located in your R working directory.

How to do it...

  1. Read the file. We will use a data file that has the share prices of Walmart (downloaded from Yahoo Finance) between March 11, 1999 and January 15, 2015:
    > wm <- read.csv("walmart.csv")
  2. View the data as a line chart:
    > plot(wm$Adj.Close, type = "l")

    The data can be viewed as a line chart as follows:

  3. Compute and plot daily price movements:
    > d <- diff(wm$Adj.Close) ...

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