Reading data from R files and R libraries

During data analysis, you will create several R objects. You can save these in the native R data format and retrieve them later as needed.

Getting ready

First, create and save R objects interactively as shown in the following code. Make sure you have write access to the R working directory:

> customer <- c("John", "Peter", "Jane")
> orderdate <- as.Date(c('2014-10-1','2014-1-2','2014-7-6'))
> orderamount <- c(280, 100.50, 40.25)
> order <- data.frame(customer,orderdate,orderamount)
> names <- c("John", "Joan")
> save(order, names, file="test.Rdata")
> saveRDS(order,file="order.rds")
> remove(order)

After saving the preceding code, the remove() function deletes the object from the current session.

How to do ...

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