Reading data from CSV files

CSV formats are best used to represent sets or sequences of records in which each record has an identical list of fields. This corresponds to a single relation in a relational database, or to data (though not calculations) in a typical spreadsheet.

Getting ready

If you have not already downloaded the files for this chapter, do it now and ensure that the auto-mpg.csv file is in your R working directory.

How to do it...

Reading data from .csv files can be done using the following commands:

  1. Read the data from auto-mpg.csv, which includes a header row:
    > auto <- read.csv("auto-mpg.csv", header=TRUE, sep = ",")
  2. Verify the results:
    > names(auto)

How it works...

The read.csv() function creates a data frame from the data in the .csv ...

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