Editing a data frame in R

Once we have generated a data and converted it into a data frame, we can edit any row or column of a data frame.

How to do it...

We can add or extract any column of a data frame using the dollar ($) symbol, as depicted in the following code:

data = data.frame(x = c(1:4), y = c("tom","jerry","luke","brian"))
data$age = c(2,2,3,5)

In the preceding example, we have added a new column called age using the $ operator. Alternatively, we can also add columns and rows using the rbind() and cbind() functions in R as follows:

age = c(2,2,3,5)
data = cbind(data, age)

The cbind and rbind functions can also be used to add columns or rows to an existing matrix.

To remove a column or a row from a matrix or data frame, we can simply use ...

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