Working with Environments

Like everything else in R, environments are objects. Table 8-1 shows the functions in R for manipulating environment objects.

Table 8-1. Manipulating environment objects

assignAssigns the name x to the object value in the environment envir.
getGets the object associated with the name x in the environment envir.
existsChecks that the name x is defined in the environment envir.
objectsReturns a vector of all names defined in the environment envir.
removeRemoves the list of objects in the argument list from the environment envir. (List is an unfortunate argument name, especially as the argument needs to be a vector.)
searchReturns a vector containing the names of attached packages. You can think of this as the search path in which R tries to resolve names. More precisely, it shows the list of chained parent environments.
searchpathsReturns a vector containing the paths of attached packages.
attachAdds the objects in the list, data frame, or data file what to the current search path.
detachRemoves the objects in the list, data frame, or data file what from the current search path.
emptyenvReturns the empty environment object. All environments chain back to this object.
parent.envReturns the parent of environment env.
baseenvThe environment of the base package.
globalenv or .GlobalEnvReturns the environment for the user’s workspace (called the “global environment”). See for an explanation of what this means.
environmentReturns the environment for function ...

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