
This package provides functions for cluster analysis.


agnesComputes agglomerative hierarchical clustering of the data set.
bannerplotDraws a “banner,” i.e., basically a horizontal barplot visualizing the (agglomerative or divisive) hierarchical clustering or an other binary dendrogram structure.
claraComputes a "clara" object, a list representing a clustering of the data into k clusters.
clusplotDraws a two-dimensional (2D) “clusplot” on the current graphics device.
coef.hclustComputes the “agglomerative coefficient,” measuring the clustering structure of the data set.
daisyComputes all the pairwise dissimilarities (distances) between observations in the data set.
dianaComputes a divisive hierarchical clustering of the data set, returning an object of class diana.
ellipsoidPointsComputes points on the ellipsoid boundary, mostly for drawing.
ellipsoidhullComputes the “ellipsoid hull” or “spanning ellipsoid,” i.e., the ellipsoid of minimal volume (“area” in 2D) such that all given points lie just inside or on the boundary of the ellipsoid.
fannyComputes a fuzzy clustering of the data into k clusters. index vectors for extracting or reordering of lower or upper triangular matrices that are stored as contiguous vectors.
monaReturns a list representing a divisive hierarchical clustering of a data set with binary variables only.
pamPartitioning (clustering) of the data into k clusters “around medoids,” a more robust version of k

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